Avocado Spotlight: Spicy Cucumber Toast and ALT Sandwich (sorry, no bacon)

Avocado Toast Frame

Avocado Sandwich Frame

In the quest to eat more intentionally, my appreciation for avocados has grown.  They once found their way to my plate only when I ate out and ordered guacamole  or an ambitious sandwich or salad.  Now, I keep them in my kitchen and try to find interesting and tasty ways to incorporate them into my menus on a regular basis.  You will find avocado on most any list of “super” foods (e.g. – Best Superfoods for Weight Loss) because of its many benefits – it’s packed with nutritional punch, tastes awesome, and is extremely versatile.  What really grabbed my attention is the potential weight loss benefits of the fruit. The MUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) found in avocado have been associated with belly fat loss and satiating hunger.  Avocado also has a good amount of fiber, some protein, and a litany of vitamins and minerals.

I once said “I, by no means, want to be accused of pushing a low-fat, low-calorie, low-carb, healthy lifestyle on anyone….”  But, my how your perspective changes when your metabolism does!  Can’t really blame it all on metabolism though, can I?  Food and exercise choices (or lack thereof) actually do catch up with us.  So, I made the conscious choice to switch the ratio of indulgent-to-healthy food in my diet, and my not-so routine exercise habits are a thing of the past.  These are just a couple of simple ideas for working avocados into your day, whether you are focused on healthier eating or just enjoy their flavor!

Spicy Cucumber Avocado Toast

I know what you’re thinking – avocado toast is so last year, right?  I’m not purporting to be at the forefront of this trend, just sharing an adaptation of a recipe that recently crossed my path.  It’s simple, flavorful, refreshing, and filling, while relatively low in calories! Last year has been noted as witnessing toast’s “official marriage with ripe avocado.”  One perspective on the toast trend and avocado toast’s place in it:

“Artisanal toast, one might posit, represents our intensifying obsession with and fetishization of food. Every meal is special and important, every dish should be elevated, revered, and broadcast—even something as pedestrian as toast….’Avocado toast’—which might be described as a sub- or tangent-trend—has grown particular legs because it overlaps with another potent trend: ‘clean living.'”

What You Need & What to Do

  • 1 slice        Whole Grain Toast
  • 1 Tbsp       Greek Yogurt
  • 5-6              Long Thin Slices Cucumber
  • 1.5 oz        Smashed Avocado
  • 1/2 Tsp    Olive Oil
  • Juice from 1/4 Lime
  • To Taste  Salt, Pepper, Red Pepper Flakes, Cumin, Garlic Powder
  1. Season cucumber with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, and lime juice.
  2. Mix cumin and garlic powder into Greek Yogurt.  Spread on to toast.
  3. Top toast with smashed avocado and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Top with seasoned cucumbers.  Drizzle with olive oil. Enjoy!
ALT Sandwich

I know that it’s not really fair to bacon lovers to call this an ALT, as there is no substitute for bacon.  Try this sandwich, though, and you will love it just the same 🙂

What You Need & What to Do

  • 2 slices     Whole Grain Bread
  • 1.5 oz        Sliced Avocado (2 or 3 thin slices to cover sandwich)
  • 2 oz            Thinly Sliced Tomatoes (about 3 slices of large tomato)
  • 3 leaves   Artisanal Lettuce
  • 1 slice       Swiss Cheese
  • 4 slices     Thinly Sliced Cucumbers
  • 2 Tsp         Mayonnaise
  • To Taste  Salt, Pepper
  1. Toast bread and spread with mayo.
  2. Top bread with lettuce, then tomato.  Top with avocado slices, cucumber, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Top with cheese, bread, and enjoy!

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