This site is created with you in mind. My goal is to be your personal bon vivant, the culinary connoisseur who serves you invaluable information to enhance your culinary experiences. I intend to share the world with you, as I am discovering and learning more every day. But, I realize that you may be interested in things that I have not yet discussed.

So, please submit your questions to me using the Comment form below.

I will do my very best to respond to your (appropriate) questions and to foster an ongoing relationship through which I can serve you best. Sign up to follow MBV Blog posts and comments to be sure you keep up. And follow @MonBonVivant on Twitter.

Thank you for engaging with me.

4 thoughts on “Ask MBV”

  1. Congratulations – another step into your future! It’s so exciting for me to learn the world of blogging with someone so dear to my heart. Love you

  2. Congratulations on the launch of your blog!! It is awesome! I read every word and it was very informative. Looking forward to future updates. 🙂

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