
Why Mon Bon Vivant℠ Blog? Because I am in love with food!

Are you someone who lives to eat or someone who just eats to live? If you are the latter, it is my goal to enlighten you and introduce you to the joy that comes from appreciating food. If you already are a lover of food, I want to engage and share with you to broaden both of our experiences.

My story: I took the first step in my culinary journey in 2010. At the age of 35, after practicing litigation full-time as an Associate in law firms for six years, I was close to the finish line.  But, something made me stop to think about the direction I was going in life. At that fork in the road, I decided to turn towards the culinary arts to enhance my life with something I love – cooking and eating. Since then, I have earned degrees in Baking & Pastry Arts and Culinary Arts. I continue to work as an attorney in a different capacity, and I find that I love the law much more while pursuing my passion for food. Mon Bon Vivant℠ Blog is the next step in my culinary endeavors.

I am on an amazing journey through the culinary world. Hopefully, you will join me and stay with me. I want to be your personal tour guide and companion – your personal bon vivant!

-Tonya L. Mercer

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog, for leaving me a note and for the follow. I truly appreciate your kind gesture. I look forward to receiving posts from your blog. Best wishes!

  2. I love food and I truly love cooking for others to enjoy. However, my great desire is to take cooking to another level – where it doesn’t just taste good like my mama’s, but is truly a work of art/ a master piece! Looking forward to your recipes!!

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